Monday, December 19, 2016

5 Emotions you as a business owner can use to build customer loyalty

Beyond what your customers buy from you, they also buy your relationship. The very essence of successful relationships are positive emotions shared by the parties involved.

For this week's newsletter, we share 5 emotions you as a business owner can use to build customer loyalty no matter the size of your business.

Emotion #1 - Surprise
We all love a little surprise here and there. Once in a while go above and beyond with positive surprises for your customer. It doesn't have to cost a fortune, you only have to be thoughtful.

Emotion #2 - Familiarity
Can your customers approach your business, just like they would their friend? To build Loyalty in customers your business needs to be easy to get familiar with and also present a welcoming feel when approached.

Emotion #3 - Relief
We are not always perfect, customers may sometimes come back with complaints and that's ok. In such cases, customers should return with an emotion of relief. If we respond with a negative experience, then that reduces loyalty.

Emotion #4 - Gratitude
With the Gratitude emotion, you are creating experiences that make your customers feel Thankful. This happens when they perceive they are getting more than they expect.

Emotion #5 - Belonging
Communities are powerful. By fostering many-to-many relationships around content that relates to your brand, you are able to create strong connections that breeds loyalty.  If you can do this, you'll have many loyal customers.

From loyster.